How To: Create a Cute Fishtail Braid in No Time

Create a Cute Fishtail Braid in No Time

There are so many Hollywood actors who simply love the fishtail braid hairstyle. From Tamsin Egerton to Cheryl Cole to Nicola Mclean, everyone gives thumbs up to this cute braided hairstyle. A lot of them prefer wearing it with their lovely gowns at award shows such as Cannes. It's not surprising at all as to why these celebs love this look- it makes the crown area of the head look voluminous, it can be done even with hair that has steps, it goes with every attire, apt for any occasion as it has a classy elegance to it with a messy casual look. Well, here's a video that shall show you in just 7 steps as to how you can get that celeb look and turn heads. Fishtail braid is an evergreen hairdo, so go ahead and try it!

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