How To: Watch Christmas movies for free online

Watch Christmas movies for free online

Now that Thanksgiving is less than a week away, the holiday season is in full swing. And that means you're probably busier than ever, what with all the decorating, cookie baking, and present buying and wrapping.

Take a breath and pencil in an hour or two to yourself - or with a loved one - to enjoy the true meaning of Christmas by watching a Christmas movie.

If you want to watch holiday movie classics online this year, you have options. Websites such as Hulu and Fancast typically offer free holiday fare, allowing you to stream select Christmas movie titles and view clips of popular Christmas movies. Simply search the sites for Christmas movies, and you're almost sure to find some titles of interest.

Another option for watching Christmas movies online is to checkout sites such as YouTube and DailyMotion. On these websites, viewers may upload their favorite holiday movie scenes, giving you the opportunity to catch some of your favorite Christmas movie moments without having to record and watch the entire movie.

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